Intimate Embodied Living
Awakening your Essence
Truly loving yourself requires the courage to cast your shadow into the light.

Are you in love?
Do you know love? The truly fulfilling kind?
The kind that allows you to be your unbridled self? True, free, complete love without reticence?
Love that is not dependent on others approval or validation.Do
Or do you leave a part of yourself behind time and time again? Do you find yourself adapting to others in order to be loved? Do you end up in relationships that drain you instead of fulfill you? Or find that you hurt or manipulate your partner, or constantly put yourself down?
It is possible to live without true self-love; you will manage and cope. But, the pain of being incomplete, feeling lonely or emotional emptiness will take its toll. The twinkle in your eyes will disappear and your vitality and joy will decline drastically.
It can be different, and I can help you with that as I too, was on that same path. From my presence full of love, I will look at your totality and discern where the shadow is preventing the light from being experienced. What happens then is so beautiful that I can’t describe it in words.
Are you ready for love? For true love? And are you prepared to venture into the darkness to slay some dragons? If so, I would love to help you on this journey.
How do I work?
The extent to which we love ourselves is closely related to the degree in which we can let our joy of life = sexual energy flow. This energy contains many elements of shame, guilt, rejection and misunderstanding.
During my life experience, I soon realized that getting to know and cultivating that energy is crucial. Casting the light of love onto our pelvic shadow, releases large amounts of energy. This energy is highly needed in order to give meaning to our deepest desires and is also required to enter fulfilling relationships.
The healing of this sexual gateway is an important part of my practice. As each person and their needs are unique, this can be done in a variety of ways such as bodywork, conscious touching, NAH, Tantra, workshops or individual counseling. I listen to your needs and leave it to my body’s inert wisdom to determine what it is that you currently require,in your present situation.


Treatments & sessions
Would you like individual treatment in areas such as (self)love, sexuality, fulfillment, passion or making connections between love and sexuality?
Then I will guide you in a way that works best for you. This can be individual or together with your partner. Through bodywork, coaching, NAH or Tantra sessions. In your home or at my practice.
Workshops & Immersions
Do you want to take the power into your own hands and discover how to awaken and maintain your pure essence and real love? Then a workshop or immersion is something for you. From 24 hours to a week long, we go for immersive experiences into the world of your body, mind, emotions and soul. Through pleasure, bliss, healing or deep bodywork, whatever is needed.
Together with a group of other beautiful people, in the intimacy of a personal training for yourself or together with your partner... both are possible.
more about our workshops and Immersions in America and Europe.

Life Coaching
If you struggle with life questions, coaching can help you discover and dismantle patterns and beliefs that hold you back. You will learn new tools and practices that shift your old belief systems. You will learn how to increase your communication skills so you can create more clarity, intimacy and joy in your relationships. Your perspective shifts from “Why is this happening to me?” to “What is the gift in this for me?”. Coachings take place in my practice or on distance by Skype.
Contact me for a free intake talk.
Magische reizen
Ik houd enorm van om op krachtplekken te zijn. Deze vortex plekken zijn plaatsen op de wereld waar de sluier tussen hemel en aarde zo goed als niet bestaat en je als mens, vanzelf in je authentieke ZIJN komt.
Sataya in Egypte is zo'n plek. Niet toevallig komen daar de wilde dolfijnen overdag rusten en spelen na een nacht jagen op voedsel in de Rode Zee. Dat gecombineerd met lichaamswerk, meditaties en de juiste begeleiding, schept een mogelijkheid tot persoonlijke transformatie.

Do you recognize this...?
“ I have noticed that I always encounter the same problems and obstacles in my relationships and would like to investigate in which way I might be responsible for this.”
“ I love my children to bits but am hardly able to look at myself in the mirror. How can I learn to love myself?”
“I am in a loving relationship but I find it extremely difficult to open up emotionally.”
“As a man, I would like to open my heart and allow myself to be vulnerable, but I don’t know how to do that.”
“I would like to be able to enjoy intimacy with my partner once again. As the joy of connection has faded over time.”
“I often freeze when my partner makes sexual advances. How can I learn to open myself up?"
“I feel numb in life. The vitality and joy that I had as a child have disappeared.”
Beyond the void and the pain,
so much LIFE is available for you!
What people say...

'Ik voelde me eindelijk thuiskomen... na jarenlang zoeken naar antwoorden en oplossingen, heb ik eindelijk begrepen dat de antwoorden in mij zitten...
In durven voelen en hierdoor zakken en ontspannen.
Eindelijk ben ik tot deze natuurlijke staat van zijn gekomen waar alles vloeit
en oplossingen van zichzelf zichtbaar worden. Bedankt!'
Shanti Butcher
Spiritual Relationship Life Coach
'Martine is a highly intuitive healer.
I love and appreciate her style as well as her willingness to teach me and her clients the deeper wisdom of our bodies. She uses many different modalities and each session is specifically designed to meet the needs of her clients. One of the most important gifts she brings to her sessions is her clarity and integrity.
I can’t stress enough the safety and comfort she brings to her clients. This is the one attribute that separates her from other healers. She is hands down the “REAL DEAL”!'
'Al jaren schakelde ik mijn emoties uit en daardoor voelde ik lichamelijk en emotioneel bijna niks meer, ook mijn energieniveau zat onder nul.
De workshop was voor mij één van de meest intense en mooiste ervaringen die ik ooit heb gehad. Ik heb vele emoties doorgemaakt, angst, kwaadheid, teleurstelling, verdriet maar ook blijheid, ontroering en dankbaarheid …
De kracht van de groep vrouwen is ongelofelijk groot, de emoties die anderen doormaken hebben mij geholpen om de emoties bij mezelf los te maken. Alleen zou ik nooit zo ver geraakt zijn op zo’n korte tijd. Ik heb van de andere vrouwen zo veel geleerd over mezelf.'
About Martine Florus
Martine Florus is a talented bodyworker and teacher with more than 20 years experience in healing and helping people to uncover their essence. Read more about Martine's story...